
Inner Game (Emotional Management + Mindset)

  • Conquer your approach anxiety. Never be scared to approach again.
  • Fear of white or black women? Fear no more.
  • Fear of men? They won’t be a problem.
  • Fear of clubs? Nothing to be afraid now.
  • Fear of daygame? Easiest place to find a relationship.
  • Fear of dying alone? You’ll find the love of your life.
  • Fear of being judged? Fuck them.
  • Scared of rejection? Rejection should be scared of you.
  • Scared of racism? I will personally fuck up those racists for you. With joy.

Physical Game (Plus Advanced Body Language Positioning)

  • Don’t know how to be masculine? Masculinity will ooze from your pours.
  • Don’t know how to appear confident? Easy peasy.
  • Girls get creeped out when you look at her? Get rid of that Asian Poker Face!
  • Don’t know how to hold yourself when you’re talking? Learn Command Presence!
  • Not sure how you walk up to a woman? Learn the Walk Of Khan!

Verbal Game (Icebreakers, How to Hold a Conversation, and more)

  • Don’t know how to approach? Now you do.
  • Don’t have an opening line? Now you’ve got ten.
  • Have accent? No problemo.
  • Don’t know how to be funny? She’ll pee her pants.
  • Don’t know how to be fun? You’ll be the life of the party.
  • Don’t know how to carry a conversation? They won’t be able to stop you from talking.
  • Don’t know how to form an emotional connection? You’ll know how to meet your soulmate.
  • Don’t know how to ask her out? She won’t shut up.
  • Don’t know how to reduce flaking? She won’t stop text you.

How To Ask A Woman On A Date

  • Don’t know how to get a number? Use smartphone technology.
  • Getting flaked on by women? You’ll be flaking on her!
  • Don’t know what to text her? You’ll get templates and templates of text examples!
  • Don’t know when to call? You’ll have a complete timeline.
  • Don’t know how to setup a date? You’ll give her the best damn date of her life.

You Don’t Have To Be Born Good Looking, In Order To Look Good

  • Have bad fashion? We can fix it.
  • Have bad hairstyle? We know why hair is a man’s makeup.
  • Want women to compliment you on your fashion? She’ll simp all over you.
  • Think you don’t smell because you’re Asian and don’t have the smelly gene? You still have to learn odor management for hair, clothes and breath control!
  • Don’t know what and how to get over the fuckable line is? Now you do.

Holistic Approach Strategies

  • Don’t know how to be approach a single girl? You’ll know ever angle.
  • Don’t know how to approach multiple girls? They’ll be eating out of your hands.
  • Don’t know how to deal with men? Jedi Mind Trick them.
  • Don’t know how to approach with an Indirect, Direct or Situational conversation starter? Learn which one is a REQUIREMENT that ALL ASIAN MEN MUST LEARN.
  • Never seen a short Asian man completely wreck a room and part the seas like Moses in how he demonstrates infield approaches? Now you will.

Embrace Your Asian Male Sexual Identity

  • Don’t know or afraid to be sexual? She’ll be throwing herself on you.
  • Don’t know how to kiss? The A-B-C Kiss will solve that.
  • Don’t know how to ask a woman home? She’ll order the Uber for you.
  • Don’t know how to make out or turn her on? There’s no erogenous zone left unturned.
  • Afraid of poor performance in bed? She’ll beg you to continue.
  • Don’t know if want a one night stand or serious girlfriend? Why not have both?

Learn The Complete ABCs Of Attraction Holistic Meta-Structure

  • A (Attitude, Attract & Approach)
  • B (Be Present, Banter & Buying Temperature)
  • C (Compliance, Comfort & Connect)
  • D (Dominance, Direct Intent & Disqualify)
  • E (Evaluate, Extract & Escalate)
  • F (Future, Fun Up Artist or Fake Pickup Artist!)

Prebootcamp Homestudy Course

  • Get a complete multimedia suite of audio, video, and written training material BEFORE the start of your live training bootcamp
  • Receive a FREE coaching bootcamp intake call to review your homework
  • Squeeze every penny out from the bootcamp before you even start!

Post-Bootcamp Graduation Gifts

  • Receive $500 worth of free products after graduation to help you continue to improve
  • Get 12 weeks worth of free missions and motivations to continue to push you to success
  • Gain access to our secret alumni only group CLUB KHAN
  • I help you succeed before, during and after my live training bootcamp!

Be Successful Because You’re Asian And Not In Spite Of It

  • Learn how to defeat your internalized racism
  • Learn how to fight sexualized racism from the Asian community
  • Learn how to combat stereotypes in society
  • Become proud of your Asian identity
  • Learn what it takes to be a strong, confident Asian man and what you need to do defend yourself when other men see you with a beautiful woman on your arms and they start targeting you because you’re Asian
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